In a world filled with uncertainties and challenges, the call to trust God for the long term resonates beyond age and circumstance. Explore the wisdom that transforms today’s troubles into tomorrow’s triumphs, and learn to shift focus from doubt to hope. In this blog, let’s uncover the profound meaning of trusting God for the long haul and pave a path of resilience and purpose.


Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act.
Psalm 37:3-5

There are six points I discuss when speaking to young leaders. The sixth is

This exhortation is not just for young leaders, is it? Whenever I am tempted to believe in my strength or the maturity of my faith, I get knocked off my horse. What knocks you off yours? Where are you most vulnerable to fear and anxiousness?

Is it financial? Family? Health? Global unrest? Your job? Economic decline? Your business? Unfaithfulness? Betrayal? A false witness? A dispute with a neighbor or customer or employee? A partner? 

My greatest place of vulnerability is with my family. If any of them are in trouble or struggle, I’m a mess. Especially, when I feel powerless to help. I lose sleep, I try to make things right. I try to say the right thing and I try to do the right things. Even so, the fear creeps in and drags me into the darkness.

So, how do you trust God when you see no answers, hear no answers, and feel no answers? How do you trust God when you are the hero of your own story and this time it feels out of your control? For many of us, it’s not the long term we worry about, it is today, tomorrow, and this week. It’s no wonder Jesus told us not to worry about tomorrow for today has enough trouble of its own!

So what does it mean to trust God for the long haul?

  1. Realize that today’s troubles will be useful for the future.
  2. Notice your focus. Whatever you focus on, is magnified. If I am focused on the good, it will become even better. If I focus on what I perceive to be bad, it will get worse. Focussing on the good creates hope for the long haul.
  3. Be aware of isolation. Many of us isolate ourselves from others during times of trouble. We allow the company of dark thoughts to be our fellowship. These thoughts whisper ridiculous things. They encourage you to hide. To be embarrassed. Instead, stay in the community. Confess your fears, frustrations, and sins. Instead, remember that reasonable people empathize. They have been where you are and they can carry you forward.
  4. Win the day. Even if it feels like you are losing, unproductive, and defeated. Do something. Do one thing productive. Do something for someone else. Win the day! The future will thank you for it.

I just did. You can too.

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