In a world where we often strive for control and predictability, we sometimes overlook the profound impact of inviting God into our endeavors. In today’s blog, we explore the concept of making God necessary in our lives, particularly in the realm of work and productivity. By embracing a belief system that acknowledges God’s presence, wisdom, and guidance, we can tap into a deeper sense of purpose and unlock the full potential of our work. Join us as we delve into the significance of integrating God into our daily lives, transcending the need for stained glass windows and appointments, and discovering the transformative power that comes from making God necessary in all that we do.

Making the Most Important Thing Necessary and Making God Necessary

I’ve heard it said that God never calls us to anything that makes Him unnecessary.

Many of us work hard to make things predictable. We like to be in control and we assess risk. We have professionals and departments that make it their business to reduce liability and exposure to the things that can hurt us.

Reducing risk sounds wise, so what does it mean for us to be called to something that requires God? I think it’s more than a big vision to change the world, it’s more than setting a BHAG. It’s more of a mindset, it’s a belief system.

From a Christian worldview, God is the one holding all things in place. Our heartbeat, our breath, and the talent and energy we have to be productive. He is also the source of all goodness and wisdom. Therefore, we seek his presence, his mind, and his hand in our work.

You don’t need stained glass windows to talk to God. You can talk to him about your work, your life, and your family anytime and anywhere. Furthermore, you don’t need an appointment. What you need is God. So make God necessary in all you do and see what happens.

Explore More Content

For another blog about priorities and the necessary in one’s life, you’d probably enjoy reading Monday Moment If You Want to Change the World, Go Home and Love Your Family. Or, if you want to explore more content, you can also check our podcast and blog pages for the complete list of posts about diverse topics. So don’t miss out on other valuable insights and resources only here in the Lead Today Community!

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