In a world filled with constant competition and the pursuit of success, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters. This article delves into the profound concept of “Faith-Based Excellence” and how it can transform your life. Read on to explore the art of living a life that resonates with faith, excellence, and the profound belief that your best efforts are offerings to a higher purpose.

Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the best part of everything you produce. Then he will fill your barns with grain, and your vats will overflow with good wine.
Proverbs 3:9-10, NLT

My family has a competitive personality. We love games and contests. One of our family slogans goes like this: If you’re not first, you’re last. It’s also the name of our football fantasy league. There’s nothing like first place! We appreciate effort and we applaud achievements.

Isn’t this what the ancients are trying to say in the above proverb? If there is a God and he is responsible for giving you life, why wouldn’t you want to give him your best? Your best efforts. Your best designs. Your best creations. Your best of everything. Why wouldn’t you want to steward your life to the highest good?

Faith-Based Excellence: Honoring God in Life

Let’s consider the proposition from another angle. If God were to build a business, what kind would it be? If he were to build a house or a castle, what would it look like? I think his business would be first class. It would meet needs and it would be profitable. I doubt he would use drywall in his house. I doubt he would settle for inferior supplies. I think his architecture would be stunning and all his materials would come from the earth he created. He would not think it lavish or overkill. He would see it as a reflection of creation.

A life inspired is one that sees God as our Father. A good father. One who has provided life and opportunity. One who deserves our very best. 

I don’t know about you but I’m inspired by others when they are generous. When they fight through obstacles. When they work toward a healthy life perspective. When they believe God has a plan that wins. A plan that makes our efforts, though we often fail, fit into his eternal plans. A God that will take our best into eternity. A God that will treasure us and give us more than we could ever imagine.

Here’s what I consider the bottom line… Give life your best. Give God your best. Enjoy the fruit of your labor and share it with others!

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