In the journey of life, the power of belief serves as an omnipresent force, intricately weaving through the fabric of our existence. Transitioning seamlessly between our workplaces and homes, shaping our convictions about family, marriage, and purpose, belief emerges as the silent architect of our destinies. As we explore the impact of belief on various facets of life, we unravel the threads that connect our convictions to the very essence of our being. Join us on this reflective expedition as we delve into the intricate dance between belief and its transformative influence on work, home, purpose, and the questions that shape our journey beyond the earthly realm.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge;
fools despise wisdom and instruction

Proverbs 1:7

What we believe matters. It shapes how we think and how we behave. It determines our focus – what’s important to us. What we believe is our treasure. 

At Work

It’s our secret weapon at work. If you believe in your organization, the leadership, the direction, and the strategy, you will perform at your best. If you doubt one or more of these components, your performance will not be your best.

At Home

What you believe about the purpose of family determines the priority you place upon it. Many don’t realize the treasure of family until they lose it. They never really embraced the whole package – the good, bad, and ugly. Belief is stronger than circumstances and feelings. Believing is becoming.

When you believe faithfulness in marriage, to the end, is more important than your personal needs and secret fantasies, you will invest in your marriage. You will listen to those who help you to continue on the faithful and serving path. You will turn a deaf ear to those who give you permission to throw in the towel in the name of happiness because you deserve to be happy. That’s the power of belief.

Your Purpose

When you believe life is a gift, you gain a perspective of gratitude and positive energy. Though I use the phrase often, it applies here just the same. Purpose transcends the good, bad, and ugly things in life. Purpose is bigger. And purpose is powerful. 

Many ask me how they identify their purpose. The answer to that question is at least another article or even a book. The simple and most important answer has to do with our relationship with God and others. Scripture clearly teaches to love God and others, is to live as God intended for you. Secondly, using your skills, resources, and passion in service to the same is how you bring your purpose into full color.

Your Destiny

Faith seems to be the topic that divides us more than any other. Yet, I’m amazed how so many approach the topic casually or privately. When I ask people what they believe about eternal matters, many respond in broad generalities. When I ask probing questions based on their answers, I rarely hear anything about substance. It’s almost as if they are making it up as they go.

If belief is such a powerful force for work, home, and purpose, why does it seem less applied to the most important questions a person can ask? What happens when I die? Is that it? Is there another reality? Do I go there automatically? I didn’t choose to be born but do I have a say where I go next? These seem like important questions to me.

Religion is a channel that organizes belief systems while recruiting and training believers. Honest religion attempts to answer the questions listed above. Dishonest religion is attempting to sell answers to the most vulnerable. 

Prior to attending Christian seminary, I studied Christianity – Eastern Orthodox, Catholicism, Protestantism, and its many denominations.

I studied Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism.

I studied Unitarianism, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Christian Science, and Mormonism.

Perhaps the most disturbing finding of all is when I meet someone who claims to be a member of one of these religious tribes, oftentimes, they do not know what they believe. 

Could this be why so many do not have the power of belief in their destiny?

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