In a world filled with endless pursuits and constant challenges, there’s a timeless aspiration that often gets overlooked – the desire to live a life that’s not only purposeful but also deeply meaningful. This quest transcends the boundaries of religion, appealing to those who seek a path toward personal growth, inner peace, and a greater sense of purpose. “Living Godly and Being Friends with God” is not just a concept confined to the sacred; it’s a universal journey towards unlocking the extraordinary potential within each of us. In this article, we will delve into the profound wisdom behind living godly and explore how it can transform your life in ways you never imagined. Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery, enlightenment, and a deeper connection with the world around you.
…he offers his friendship to the godly.
Proverbs 3:32, NLT
I don’t hear the word godly used much anymore. I wonder if it’s because it is a religious word. The word itself assumes there is a God but it is spelled with a lowercase g for a reason. To live in a godly way is admirable but it still falls short of who God is. So what does it mean to be godly and why can’t we use the word in everyday speech without worry of offending someone or having Human Resources notified?
Think about it. Wouldn’t you want your boss to be more godly? He or she would be consistent, forgiving, and super smart. Scripture teaches that we are all created as God’s image bearers. I think that means there is evidence in every person that someone or something exists within us that has the ability and desire to mirror some of the attributes of God.
There are some attributes we cannot attain. For example: omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent. But we can be rational, caring, loving, forgiving, creating, honest, etc. To be godly is to pursue the person of God. To invest time thinking about the ideas and purposes of God. By faith to pursue a relationship with him. And certainly to admire his unfathomable and unattainable attributes.
Another idea not often expressed anymore is the label “God-fearing”. If someone was called a God-fearer, it didn’t mean they were shaking in their boots hiding from him. It meant they revered him and worked hard to emulate his character as best as they could understand. These are the kind of people other people would run to in times of trouble. The kind of people that could be trusted. They could be kind even if they did not agree with you or your behavior. They carried a good reputation.
Living Godly, Being God-Fearing, and Becoming Friends with God
Yes, indeed. Anyone can be a friend of God. He welcomes all who earnestly seek him. He’s a rewarder for those who come after him. He is interested in your life. All of it. The good, bad, and ugly. You’ll be surprised how much he is willing and able to help you in your business, your relationships, and your sense of purpose.
Lastly, I suggest you start by considering God your friend. Talk to him. Trust him. Seek him. The rest pretty much takes care of itself.
Explore More Content
Get closer to living godly and being friends with God by exploring the wealth of wisdom in our other content. So, start your journey to a more meaningful life today!
- Episode 1: God is Big Enough to Care about You
- Episode 21: Bad Things – Why does God Let Bad Things Happen?
- Trust God for the Long Term
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