In the pursuit of a more fulfilling and harmonious life, we often overlook the power that lies within our daily conversations. In this reflective journey, inspired by the timeless wisdom found in Proverbs, Jim goes into the art of communication and its profound impact on our relationships and personal growth. Read along to explore the key to learning a better way to live through intentional, meaningful communication that builds bridges, fosters understanding, and paves the path to a more connected and enriched existence.

I was reading the book of Proverbs this morning as I often do. I read the chapter that corresponds with the day of the month. If today is the 15th, I read Proverbs 15. But it was February 12 so I read the 12th chapter. The following phrases jumped out at me:

Whoever ignores an insult is sensible… There is one who speaks rashly,
like a piercing sword; but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

These two phrases reminded me of a recent interview I had with Blake Coffee on The Today Counts Show. At one point we were talking about meaningful conversations. Significant words that build relationships and community. As I recall, they were these:

  • Sharing words of affirmation. These are positive words based on the present and the past.
  • Sharing words of exhortation. These are stronger words of inspiration focussed on what’s next, the future.
  • Receiving words of hurt. These are conversations that genuinely seek to understand how you have offended someone while desiring reconciliation.
  • Sharing words of hurt. These are humble yet courageous conversations about how you have been hurt. The intent is to bring down the walls between you and another person.
  • Words of hope and vision. These are especially powerful words that consider where we go from here. They are reasonable yet infused with new beginnings.

Words have power but conversations are transformative.

When we invest time in our relationships, when we slow things down to listen and learn, when we take a deep breath, that’s when we gain strength and that’s when we learn a better way to live.

I’m reminded of the words of a friend when it comes to conflict, “What you ignore becomes more but what you address becomes less.” Thanks, Clint. Powerful words.

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Learning a better way to live may not be as hard as one might think as long as you take advantage of the power of communication! Explore more insights on related topics.

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