In the journey of faith and personal development, there are moments when we face the stern hand of correction and discipline. In this Monday Moments blog post, we’ll explore the concept of God’s discipline and correction, drawing insights from Jim’s personal experiences and biblical teachings. So, let’s delve into this essential aspect of our spiritual journey – a divine lifeline designed to shape our character and lead us toward maturity.

“My child, don’t reject the Lord’s discipline, and don’t be upset when he corrects you. For the Lord corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3‬:‭11‬-‭12‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I have what I now consider a funny recollection of some childhood experiences with those in authority over me. 

I think of Mrs. Body, my fourth-grade teacher. Grabbing me by the ear and leading me to the principal’s office while I was bleeding from the side of my head. Me and a couple of buddies were tardy to class because we were enjoying a little too much recess. As we were running to class in an attempt to make it before the final bell, a swinging gate collided with my right temple and down I went. The next thing I remember was being picked up by my ear and dragged away.

A year later, while playing football at recess, I was tackled in a mud puddle. It was chapel day and my muddied clothes were cause for corporal discipline. I was swatted by the principal. I remember his disgust at my delinquent behavior and a strange delight in spanking my backside. It must have been a mortal sin to bring mud into the chapel service.

While in junior high school, a kid with the last name of McFarlene was having a bad day. I don’t remember the details but he came after me with a flurry of fists. Several punches landed. I retaliated. My dad taught me how to defend myself and I did. All the teacher saw was the right cross I threw that landed and knocked the boy down. The principal did not ask any questions nor did he give me an opportunity to explain myself. I was suspended. McFarlene was coddled.

God’s Discipline and Correction

Humans are moody and inconsistent especially when it comes to judging others. Sometimes we deserve it and sometimes we don’t. God’s discipline is engineered into creation. When we live according to his design, life goes much better. When we push against or ignore his design, we get reminded of his absolutes. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes we experience problems in our lives that are not connected to anything we have done. We are broken people living in a broken age. 

The next time you are being disciplined because perhaps – you have not taken care of yourself well – you’ve treated others poorly or have ignored their needs – you were not diligent in your work – you looked the other way and did not deal with a potential problem – you were loose with your tongue – or you sinned in some way – remember, the consequences are not meant to destroy you but to correct you. To build you up in character and maturity. To keep you from making the same mistakes over and over again.

God is diligent and consistent. Your beliefs, attitudes, and actions matter because your life matters. Bottom-line, when God disciplines, he is throwing you a lifeline. He is saving you from yourself. Think about that.

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