Are you ready to take your self-leadership to the next level? Let’s explore how understanding your soul can lead to better self-leadership. By gaining a deeper understanding of your soul, you can tap into your command-control center and make more effective decisions. So, if you want to learn how to become a better self-leader, join us as we delve into the components of the soul – emotions, intellect, and will – and how they work together to help you engage with the world around you. With that said, let’s dive in and explore better self-leadership through understanding your soul.
If you want to practice better self-leadership, learn about your soul.
Understanding YOUR SOUL IS NOT your ghost.
Your soul serves as your command-control center and understanding it is crucial for successfully navigating life and leadership. The more you understand your soul, the better equipped you will be to make effective decisions and lead yourself towards success.
It’s important to note that our soul is not separate from who we are, but rather it is an integral part of our being. By understanding our soul and its components – emotions, intellect, and will – we can tap into our inner wisdom and lead ourselves with purpose and intention. This kind of self-leadership can have a profound impact on both our personal and professional lives, allowing us to live more fulfilling and successful lives.
Understanding YOUR SOUL IS where decisions are made.
While there is a close relationship between body and soul, the body was made to carry out the desires of the soul. The soul serves as the decision-maker, influencing the actions and reactions of the body. Although the body and soul are intertwined, it’s important to understand the role of the soul in guiding our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.
Understanding YOUR BODY IS important.
Undoubtedly, YOUR BODY IS important since it serves as the physical vessel that houses your inner self. Additionally, it constantly provides information to your mind through the senses it possesses.
Understanding YOUR SOUL is made up of emotions, intellect, and will.
These three work together every day. They help you engage in the world around you, your work, home, relationships, problems, everything.
Understanding YOUR EMOTIONS play an important role in your daily life.
Your emotions can be powerful signals, capable of having a significant impact on your daily life. Whether they are protests, warnings, happiness, or euphoria, they don’t always get it right. That’s where your intellect comes in, crucially helping you navigate and understand your emotions.
Understanding Your intellect
YOUR INTELLECT is the rational one having the ability to either validate the emotion or talk it through bringing it toward a different and more accurate perspective. It respects your emotions. While your emotions have valuable insights, they have amazing insights but they cannot influence the soul toward action without validation from your intellect.
Understanding YOUR WILL, the ability, and power to act
YOUR WILL, the ability, and power to act, is waiting for your emotions and intellect to come to an agreement. Once your emotions and intellect are in alignment, your will has the ability and power to act without hesitation. The resulting aligned power can lead to amazing results.
One of the most intriguing aspects of God’s creation of the soul is its ability to function at varying speeds, adapting to the needs of any given situation.
Now that we have acknowledged the varying degrees of health and effectiveness of different souls, the question arises of how we can improve the health and effectiveness of our own souls.
Well, that’s the topic for next week!
To get a better grasp of the “Soul” dialogue, you may access the whole series at these following links:
- Your Soul – Understanding Your Soul for Leadership
- Getting your Soul in Shape for Leadership
- Episode 15: The Miracle of the Soul
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