The idea that unforgiveness is a sin may be too harsh for you to digest even though I maintain its veracity.  If so, at least start by considering it a weakness. Withholding forgiveness is a weakness. Is it that simple? I think not.

It’s not just a weakness, It is a destructive weapon that knows no boundaries. It’s cancerous. Perhaps even more destructive than the original offense because by withholding forgiveness, a sin is empowered to live on. It not only lives but morphs into all kinds of darkness in the lives of numerous people penetrating generations yet to come.

Many of these family tree victims will be ignorant of the source of their affliction. Some of these encumbrances will seem unrelated to the historical offense because the most damaging offense was unforgiveness. This willful act breeds far too many consequences to be mentioned here.

How can I say such things considering the many atrocities and evils that visit like a dense and damp fog upon a sleepy village?

I can say it because it’s true. Unforgiveness is darkness; it holds us all captive. Forgiving is not easy but it’s God’s work. Most often, forgiveness is not an event. It’s a process and a way of life. Sometimes it takes only a few minutes and other times, it can take years. Not because you are holding it back but because you must distill it daily until you know and if at all possible, the offender knows forgiveness has done its work.

You must be both the forgiven and the forgiver to be part of God’s redemptive work. As we become both, we embrace our debt to one another which is to love one another. To do that, we must become lovers of God and his work. And all of this certainly includes forgiveness. No, it is all about forgiveness.

“We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love”
– Martin Luther King Jr.

If you want to delve into this topic more, here are the links to the complete Sin of Unforgiveness series.

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