You see it everywhere. You see it at home. You see it at work. You see it at church. You see it in athletics. Heads are down. Their spirit is down. They lack confidence. Quitting is their convenient friend.

In every single situation, it’s because they are believing what they are hearing. They are listening to the destructive voices from a noisy and negative world allowing those vibrations to echo deep inside the chambers of their being.

To make matters worse, we tend to be hardest on ourselves.

March 9, 1987 was an earthquake of a day. I had made a big decision months prior. A gigantic decision. It was the first day of the rest of my life. I was distraught. My head was down. I was defeated. I made a big mistake. That’s how I felt.

How could I feel this way? Afterall, I made a conscious, thought-out, deliberate decision to change my profession. Yet, doubt flooded my mind.

The phone rang. It was mom. At the sound of her voice, I cried like a baby. She listened carefully and then gently instructed me to look up Psalm 46:10.

I opened my Bible to Psalm 46:10 at which the text read: “Be still and know that I am God.” It struck me like an arrow in the heart. It released positive memories of how and why I made this decision. As joy set free in my heart, it rang out songs of worship from my childhood.

As a Christian, spiritual and uplifting songs have always been a source of strength for me. Since those days, I have learned to sing louder than doubts, louder than disappointments, louder than despair, and louder than anxiety, insecurity, negativity, or bitterness.

I encourage you to sing louder than the negative voices in your head. Sing louder than your doubt. Sing. Sing louder. Drown out the darkness with songs of light!

Together, we can invest in great leaders. You can make a difference! 💙

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