The first to speak seems right, until someone comes forward and cross-examines.
Proverbs 18:17

There is a principle taught by some business and financial coaches. The principle goes something like this: Forsake any work activity you can pay someone else to do that costs less per hour than your wage. If you make $50 an hour and pay someone $25 an hour to mow your lawn, you’re smart because you just netted $25 assuming you earned $50 during that hour. Using this logic, if you mowed the lawn yourself, you would lose $25. The coaching goes on repeating this principle anywhere and everywhere you can. Do what you do best and pay others to do what they do as long as it costs less than your earnings for the same effort. Sounds aristocratic and smart. But is it?

My concern is not if you SCALE every inch out of your life so that you can earn every possible dollar. My concern is your health in every area of life. Your person and relationships. Your faith-walk with God. Your perspective. Your exercise and physical health.

Most of you work from your desk, a conference table, in front of a computer screen, or your car or truck. You hop on planes and eat rich and tasty food from your favorite or convenient restaurants. This lifestyle is the new cancer.

Confession Number One: I don’t mow my lawn. I don’t wash the windows. I don’t do the laundry. I don’t even clean the house. I don’t buy groceries. I don’t prepare meals.

Confession Number Two: I sometimes do the chores listed above. And when I do, I experience many good things. I learn to appreciate what others do for me. I appreciate the value of a twenty-dollar bill. I recall virtues from my childhood. I feel productive. It clears my head. It simplifies my life, reminding me how dangerous the rat race can be. It reminds me how good an old-fashioned workout feels without the dependence on weight machines and exercise equipment. It provides a change of pace. It gives me fresh perspectives.

Something to think about…

If you fancy thinking about other mundane stuff leading to self-evaluation, try giving a read to How’s Your Pace? Monday Moment blog. It may pleasantly surprise you!

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