When it comes to achieving success in any organization, having a clear strategy is crucial. However, many leaders focus on the “how” rather than the “who.” By asking “who not how,” leaders can identify the skilled and aligned individuals needed to bring their vision to life. This approach involves investing in people rather than just tasks, and it can lead to exponential growth and increased capacity. In this article, we’ll explore the power of the “who not how” principle and how it can transform your organization’s approach to success.

Almost all organizational leaders recognize the importance of strategy. You have a vision but how are you going to achieve it? The answer you think is found in your strategy. It’s the HOW question.

However, most often, the HOW question is more effective when you transform it into a WHO question. When you start with the HOW before the WHO, you enter the “doers” path. Though it is common to ask HOW; we should be asking WHO. If you invest yourself in the lower strategy of HOW, you will be consumed by the task. If you invest yourself in the higher strategy of WHO, you will start to scale and increase the capacity of your efforts. You will be creating exponential power.

Here’s how it works: 1. Believe more is accomplished with and through others than on your own. 2. Know where you want to go (WHAT). 3. Recruit skilled and aligned individuals (WHO). 4. Make your job (YOU) supporting and empowering the WHO.

The WHO is tasked to help design and execute the HOW. YOU are to lead by keeping the vision (WHAT) clear and by investing in their success.

Let’s repeat this principle but in different words

A common goal is 10x more powerful than your individual vision and abilities – believe it or not. A common goal is attractive because it is bigger than one person. The right WHO will figure out the HOW because you have made the WHAT very clear and compelling.

For in fact, the body is not one member but many
1 Corinthians 12:14

Explore More Content

With the help of this blog, we have determined the Who is more important than the How in an organization. However, there are quite a few more things to consider in order to build an effective and high-performing team. We have listed a few suggestions below to kickstart your journey to becoming a better leader.

Or if you want to explore more content, you can also visit our blogs and podcast pages for a complete list of content.

Together, we can invest in great leaders. You can make a difference! 💙

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