“Leaders are learners”

Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser;
Teach a just man, and he will increase in learning. 

Proverbs 9:9

Believe it or not Friend, your leadership is either improving or declining. It is impossible to stay in the same place. You’re either getting better or you’re starting to become like a broken record. A broken record (for those too young to remember) is when the needle on your record player gets stuck in the same groove playing it over and over again. That becomes so irritating, you shut the whole thing off or you throw away the record.

Last week, I was listening to a speaker talk about personal growth. I wrote down many points and statements that struck me. Four points stood out as something I should ponder more deeply. Maybe these will inspire you as well:

Which of these points stands out to you the most, Friend? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

This blog emphasized how leaders are learners. However, leaders are also readers and askers! Monday Moments blogs Finish That Book and Leaders Ask covers these topics. Go and have a look!

Together, we can invest in great leaders. You can make a difference! 💙

Thank you for reading our Monday Moments! If this was helpful, share this with a friend!

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