Ever feel like you’re spinning in circles as a leader, juggling numerous commitments and drowning in overwhelm? It’s a common predicament faced by achievers. But here’s the good news: you have the power to break free from the cycle and reclaim control over your life. In this blog, we’ll unveil the secrets of how to clean up your life as a leader, paving the way for enhanced efficiency and remarkable growth. By answering three pivotal questions and making strategic changes, you’ll unlock newfound energy, focus, and productivity. So stay tuned as we guide you through the transformative process that will revolutionize your leadership journey.

People who accept discipline are on the pathway to life,
but those who ignore correction will go astray. Proverbs 10:17, NLT

Achievers get a lot of things done but they also find themselves over-committed and overwhelmed. Somehow you end up in the same place over and over again. For some, it seems to happen every year, every three years, or perhaps every seven years. You find yourself in a place of being over-committed, overwhelmed, and unproductive. 

It’s not that much different than your house. A few years go by and you wonder where all the junk cluttering your garage, basement, attic, closets, and shed came from. You slowly but surely added more stuff that you didn’t need or at least don’t need anymore.

So, how do you clean up your life as a leader?

To start decluttering your life, I recommend asking and answering the following three questions. Then, follow through.

What are you doing that you should continue to do? What’s working well? You’re probably doing many good things but what are the most effective ones you want to continue to do? Write those down and then move to the next question.

What should you stop doing? Identify the obvious and unhealthy things you should stop doing and punt them immediately. The most difficult part of this second question is to remove good things that do not make a significant difference. By quitting these, some may not be happy with you but it needs to be done in order to invest yourself in the most promising activities and relationships.

What are you not doing and should start doing?  You can’t start new and healthy activities and habits without making room for them. Work hard on the first two questions and you’ll notice more energy and creativity will come your way. You’ll be able to employ them in productive ways that will move you and your organization forward.

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