Jim is flying solo on this episode of the Today Counts Show. This is another one-on-one coaching session where Jim Piper is speaking directly to you about creating a resilient, winning perspective! Here’s a quick overview of what to expect:

Everybody likes winning, right? Well, guess what trait most successful, consistent winners share? They are resilient.  Good or bad, up or down they don’t quit. They are resilient. So today Jim is sharing a model, a method, a roadmap to help you build a resilient, winning perspective in your life.

Creating a Resilient, Winning Perspective

Imagine a target with 3 layered rings representing 3 areas in your life…

The inner ring represents your Person, you, yourself. This is where it all starts. Working on yourself. Here you consider things like:

  • What is your life’s vision, your purpose?
  • If nothing else gets done this year (or this month or this quarter), what is the one goal, the one thing that you will get done?
  • What kind of person do you need to become to accomplish this one goal, this vision?

The second ring, surrounding the inner ring, represents your People. This is where you focus on choosing the people in your life. You must learn that you have limitations in the amount of time and energy you have available. Choose wisely and consider this advice:

  • Choose people who will help you and support you.
  • Consciously choose your family. Make the commitment to be in their lives.
  • Choose someone you can help.

The third outer ring represents your Place. Your season in life, your job, your physical location. Remember these points:

  • Embrace your place. Good or bad identify it. This process will lead to a place where you can visualize another place and how to get there.
  • Remember that your place is temporary. Nothing in this world is forever. Some things will be under your control and some things not but they will change.

There’s a lot of great information here distilled down to less than 30 minutes. Start working on your Person today!

Podcast Transcript: Episode 95: Creating A Resilient, Winning Perspective

You may watch the video podcast here from our YouTube channel:

Explore More Content

Explore more on the journey of creating a resilient, winning perspective on other episodes of the Today Counts Show and Monday Moments blogs. Dive into inspiring goal-setting discussions, winning strategies, and resilience-building insights. Elevate your content with fresh perspectives. Links below!

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