This is the fifth episode of our six-part series focusing on the practical lessons to be learned from the wisdom of Paul in 1 Timothy in the New Testament, with this week’s focus on three culture-building values.  Jim Piper’s commentary will guide you through the application of this biblical wisdom and help put it into context for today’s leaders.  If you are not a Christian don’t be turned off by the Bible’s use as “source material”.  Keep your mind and your heart open.

In 1 Timothy chapter 5, Paul writes to Timothy about what Jim describes as culture.  Important values that contribute to creating a good and healthy culture.  They are mostly things that anyone would agree are good and positive yet we don’t see these values that often out there in the real world.  Honor, care, and protection; Jim reads Paul’s words on each of these topics and discusses them in great detail.  There is so much to learn from this timeless wisdom.

If you don’t have a Bible and you would like to read 1 Timothy 5,  you can read it online here:

Podcast Transcript: Episode 77: Timeless Wisdom for Diligent Leaders – Part 5 of 6 – Three Culture-Building Values

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