Jim Piper welcomes a new friend to the Today Counts Show. His name is Tom Carlson. Tom is the CEO and Executive Director of ECatalyst, an organization whose purpose is to transform developing communities through their entrepreneurs. Tom believes that by helping these entrepreneurs, they will build sustainable, locally-owned entrepreneurial ecosystems that will help lift people out of poverty. This may sound like a lofty, complicated theory but Tom and his team at ECatalyst are already working and succeeding in Rwanda and Ethiopia. Tom does a great job of explaining the process they use to shepherd new entrepreneurs through developing their ideas, all the way through to running sustainable, profitable businesses. It is an inspiring mission that may lead you to question your beliefs of how charity should work to truly be effective.

If you would like to donate, invest, or get involved with ECatalyst, you can find them online at: https://ecatalyst.org/

You can find Tom Carlson on Linkedin at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomas-f-carlson

Tom suggests reading the book, “When Helping Hurts” by Steve Corbett & Brian Fikkert

If you fancy hearing other entrepreneurial stories, listen to these other episodes of the Today Counts podcast where Jim has featured these exemplary entrepreneurs. Go give it a listen!

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