Don’t be stuck in neutral! Take the next 16 minutes to listen and learn some proven strategies for executing results.  Jim Piper passes along four key principles that leaders should use to create a playbook for achieving important goals.  These are proven, real-world methods used in businesses and organizations around the world.  Here’s a hint … don’t have a laundry list of goals! Focus your planning and efforts on that “wildly important” goal.  If you’re wondering where Jim learned these strategies, they can be found in the book, “The Four Disciplines of Execution” by Chris McChesney, Sean Covey and Jim Huling.  Consider this podcast an introduction to the 4DX way of thinking.  Read the book for yourself and add it to your personal resource library!

If you like the coaching and teaching in this episode, you might want to listen to (or revisit) Episode 33: The Leadership Value of Presence.

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