Episode 109: ReLeaders Explained with Jon Chasteen – Transitional Leadership

What is a ReLeader? Jon Chasteen is Jim Piper’s guest today and the author of the book, “ReLeader: How To Fix What You Didn’t Break“. In this podcast, Jon defines the term “ReLeader” and also shares his thoughts on leadership in general.

ReLeader: Transitional Leadership

A quick explanation of a ReLeader is someone who comes into an existing company or organization to assume a leadership role. That may sound easier than building something new from the ground up but is it? To be a successful ReLeader requires a willingness to research the original vision and mission. If things have drifted away from that vision or mission, how do you correct that, should you correct that, should you steer the ship in a new direction? Most importantly, once you know what should be done, when do you do it and how do you do it? Was the previous leader a great leader or a terrible leader? How will you gain the trust of the people you are tasked with leading? Hmmm…. maybe this ReLeader thing isn’t so easy!

This episode of The Today Counts is really packed with information and advice that leaders can put to good use in the real world. The scenarios Jim and Jon discuss are based on their personal experiences and those of their mentors. These are not hypothetical theories, these are stories based on living life as leaders. The best part is it’s free! All you have to do is listen and learn.

Jon Chasteen has been the Lead Pastor of Victory Church, a multicampus church with campuses in both Oklahoma and Texas, since 2014. Jon was also President of The King’s University from 2018 to 2023.

Get in touch with Jon

You can reach Jon Chasteen through the Victory Church website – https://victory.church/

Or, through his website – releader.co

You can find Jon’s Book, “ReLeader: How To Fix What You Didn’t Break” on Amazon, as well as his other book, “Half the Battle: Healing Your Hidden Hurts“.

Podcast Transcript: Episode 109: ReLeaders Explained with Jon Chasteen – Transitional Leadership

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