Episode 103: Jesus Follower, Organic Human with Titus Blair: Christian Perspective on AI

This podcast is certified organic human. No AI was used in the recording or editing of this show. As funny as that declaration may sound, according to Titus Blair this might be a requirement in the future to verify you are hearing and/or seeing real humans that are not AI-generated!

On this episode of the Today Counts Show Jim discusses the current state of AI and where it seems to be headed in the future. His expert guest on the subject is Titus Blair. Titus is, first and foremost, a Jesus follower who wants to spread the Good News to the world. He is also a serial entrepreneur who has started many successful companies and is the author of the book, “AI to the Rescue“. Some of the information Titus brings to the discussion about the possible future of AI is disturbing. It sounds like a science fiction movie yet it’s getting closer and closer to reality.

Titus also shares some of his personal story including how he moved to New Zealand to work with a church and found many of the people there in desperate need of hope. The society has been so stripped of God and faith that many believe the Bible is nothing more than fairy tales.

You can reach Titus Blair at his website: TitusBlair.com

His book, “AI to the Rescue” is available on Amazon.

Podcast Transcript: Episode 103: Jesus Follower, Organic Human with Titus Blair: Christian Perspective on AI

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